Greeting cards online

You can share a link so that whoever you want can sign it
Create card! Try demo!

Contract conditions

Below are the contracting conditions in

Who is behind

  • Company name: Artras Rubia Asociados S.L.
  • NIF: B09947375
  • Registered office: 28400, Collado Villalba
  • Contact: Javier de la Rubia Tuya (

What does the Premium plan include?

The Premium plan is a greeting card upgrade, modifying the free plan with the following:

  • The limit of signatures is eliminated, being able to add a virtually unlimited number of them.
  • Images can be uploaded as signatures, each user will be able to add an image in addition to their text signature.
  • The limit of pages to sign is increased from 2 to 100.

How much does it cost?

The price of the Premium plan is €2.99.

Payment Methods

Payment can only be made through the Stripe platform.

Method of delivery

Once the payment for the Premium plan of a card has been completed, the user will be redirected to the card's website, a loading message will appear during the time the card update process lasts, normally less than a minute, and once the card has been successfully updated, the user will be informed.
It is an automatic and brief process, in case there is any problem the user must communicate it through the contact form so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.

When is a card considered delivered?

A card will be considered delivered when it has been completed, that is, when the PDFs for viewing and printing the card have been generated, either by manual user action or because the scheduled date for sending the card has arrived.

Can I request a return? How do I request it?

You can request a refund of the payment as long as the card has not been delivered or completed. That is, the pdf files of the card have not been generated.
It can be requested from the contact form indicating the link of the card.

Can I request an invoice?

Yes, at the moment it can be requested from the contact form indicating the link of the card.

Conflict resolution

There is a conflict resolution platform created by the European Commission.
It is a platform for the resolution of conflicts covered by consumer law, which can be used in an alternative way to resolve any conflict between the user and
Access is done through the following link

Data Protection

The user has the right to know which of his data is in the knowledge of, modify and eliminate them when he deems appropriate, for this he can use the contact form.


Use this contact form for sending any doubt, request or suggestion.

Fill this field if you expect a response

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