Greeting cards online

You can share a link so that whoever you want can sign it
Create card! Try demo!

Select a cover

You can choose a pre-designed card or upload your own cover

Invite others to sign

You only need the card link to be able to sign

Send the card

Schedule a day and time and we'll email it to you

How are the cards?

This is how printed greeting cards looks like

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a five-second video to show you how a printed card looks like.

You can see the card in digital format here.


Create your card for free, extend it when you need it

    10 Greetings
    2 Pages
    Download in read and print format
    Signatures with photos
    Unlimited Greetings
    100 Pages
    Download in read and print format
    Signatures with photos

Common questions

What devices are supported?

Any device with an updated browser is compatible, it can be signed from smartphones, tablets and computers.

When is the card sent?

At the time you decide, you can set the time and day of delivery and will do the rest, or you can send it manually when you want.

What if I want to deliver the card on paper?

All rates include the ability to download the card in printable format so you can print it out and deliver it by hand

How long can you add greetings?

Until the card is sent, at that time it will go to reading mode exclusively to be able to open it and download the reading and printing pdfs


Use this contact form for sending any doubt, request or suggestion.

Fill this field if you expect a response

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Get a Premium card for free signing up
Would you like to try a Premium card before buying it?
Don't worry, by registering and verifying your email you will receive a welcome email with a code to convert a normal card into Premium.
Once you have created the card, click on the button of "Upgrade card", review the terms and conditions, and once they are accepted you can redeem the code.
Enjoy your card!